27 December 2008

This, My Friends, is an Ice Storm

I went to bed last night with the pitter patter of rain on the roof above my room at home.  Come morning my little town had been turned into a sheet of ice.  Now housebound, my dad and I put on our coats and hats and sneakers and skated our way to the park down the street to take some pictures.  This was the result: 


Whit said...

Mmmm...good ol' midwestern ice storms. Me and ice storms have a love-hate relationship. Love the pretty scenary, hate everything else :) Are you PUMPED for your last semester ??

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

The photos are beautiful!

Joni said...

Ice storms are great. I agree, though Whit - great for the photo-op, not so great for the cabin fever. I am TOTALLY pumped for my last semester!

Autumn : Thanks :D I'll be putting more up on Facebook eventually.

Rachel EM said...

Gracias to Joni who realizes I, from UT, only dream of one day seeing the fruits of the long lost "ice storms" of fable.